Standing in Your Truth
“Problems of the future can be solved by mankind, because you create them.” – anonymous
And because we create them, we also have the power to find solutions. Awareness of worldly problems is constantly broadcast in our daily lives from media, articles, and social interactions. There are many sources that place an emphasis on problems which can trigger a social response to seek a solution to ease the concern. When the messaging about a problem intensifies awareness of the problem, a manufactured solution is proposed in response to the discomfort. Manufactured solutions have the potential to form radicalized groups that broadcast the problems, further intensifying awareness. The messaging imbues feelings of guilt, shame, and disempowerment onto others. Succumbing to intensified messaging can create a rift between the moral self and action of self. When this separation becomes too great to handle, the internal conflicts become dominating, placing the focus inwards. By focusing inwards, you can see that problems exist outside of you and solutions can be found from within. When a behavior is performed from conscious responsibility, this is not only a piece to solving world problems, but an influence that ripples out to others. No matter how small or large a problem is, behavior motivated by internal reasoning plays a bigger part in reducing world problems than behavior motivated by external messaging.
So, is your behavior in harmony with your deepest sense of self?